Gifting water and grifting politiciansWhat’s the one thing we all remember about the 94-page bill passed by the State of Georgia last week to “comprehensively revise elections…Apr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
“EXPERIENCE IS A GOOD SCHOOL. BUT THE FEES ARE HIGH”Heinrich Heine said that when fees to attend Harvard in the mid-1800s were $250 and not the $48,000 they are today. He didn’t mean that…Apr 10, 2021Apr 10, 2021
RamsayWrites — A Justice for a JusticeThe Globe and Mail is not where I’m used to seeing “snakes in your bed” headlines.Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Weekend Reading Doesn’t Mean Weakened ReadingWant to listen to today’s blog post? Hear it here.Apr 3, 2021Apr 3, 2021
RamsayWrites — Addictive overwork.What are high-performers going to do now that addictive overwork is losing its allure?Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
RamsayWrites — Jim Crow 2.0None of us was alive for the original Jim Crow laws back in the 1920s which made racial segregation legal in the southern United States…Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
Weekends Weren’t Always WeekendsUntil the late 1800s, people worked six days a week, with Sunday their day of rest — and in many places, church.Mar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021